W72 Wellness: 118 W. 72nd St. Rear Lobby NY, NY 10023
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Xiao Yao San Tea
Regulates the stress chemical cortisol in the body. It has been shown to be highly effective for hormone regulation, calming digestive tension, and easing mood issues such as stress, depression, anxiety, insomnia, Fibromyalgia, PMS, ADD, PTSD, sleep disorders and a host of other afflictions.
WIND TEA San Ren Tang/Xiao Chai Hu Tang
Supports your bodies ability to process & drain excess fluids and lymph as well as dissolve built up biofilm. It resolves wandering aches and pains. It also can help resolve the common cold more quickly when taken at the onset of symptoms.

When needles aren't enough.
In addition to my Botanical Biohacking teas and herbal pills, my prescribed herbal formulas are sourced from the highest rated providers in the US: Evergreen, Kamwo/Meridian, Classical Pearls, Blue Poppy and KanHerbs. Western vitamins and supplements from Designs For Health.
These companies have been chosen for their transparency, ethical practices and high quality control.
Customer Favorite
Use widely in parts of China to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and reduce pain anywhere on the body. The herbs work to move lymph and blood, and they break down bacterial biofilms, stir them up and help expel the stirred up 'junk'. These soaks are for you provided you are not pregnant or trying to get pregnant, have no history of blood clots or stroke and if a history of cancer, are at least two years cancer free.

by Andrew Miles, L.Ac and Xuelan Qiu, PhD
You are made of Heaven and Earth-a delicate combination of gasses and microbial dust merged into an elegantly integrated whole. Master your microbiome and the world will become your garden, your pharmacy, and your playground. This is the essence of plant based medicine and wilderness survival. Then uncover the secret behind yawning and sighing. You can use this to restore your health and begin turning fat into usable energy. This is essence of qi gong, acupuncture, and yogic breathing techniques.
Customer Favorite
Top quality Full Spectrum Hemp topicals expertly mixed with botanicals that address deep muscle, nerve and joint pain.

Top Seller
Medical sports topical liniment. Used and developed by long lineages of martial arts practitioners, I'm pleased to offer this liniment made by a colleague in Florida. Highest quality Imperial grade herbs go into this formula for sports injuries, sprains, cramps, bruises, broken bones, tendon/ligament tears etc.

I carry a special line of herbal products provided by my colleagues at Botanical Biohacking. They are sourced, tested and prepared by a high quality herbal lab at the University of Chengdu, China. My colleagues arrange for you to have access to products not available in this country before now. Take a look at the catalogue to see how these herbs are sustainably wildcrafted, tested and lovingly created for you: