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W72 Wellness: 118 W. 72nd St. Rear Lobby NY, NY 10023

September: or Whats up with Herbs?✏️🍁🌿
It’s back to school time! Despite the fact that that does not at all apply to me, or perhaps even to you, there’s something about the...

Winter Solstice - a time to rest and regroup
Did you know that the Winter Solstice is one of the most important days to reset your health? My friends at Botanical Biohacking shared...

Acupuncture Attire: What to Wear (and What Not to Wear) to Ensure a Successful Session
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It involves inserting thin...

Pain and the Brain
As we know, Acupuncture is highly effective in treating pain, including headaches, back pain, knee pain, and arthritis. At a basic level,...

New Year thoughts on slowness
Happy New Year! Some thoughts to share... Kung Hei Fat Choi (gōng xǐ fā cái) is traditional Chinese New Year greeting. It means...

Holiday Post
Happy Holidays! Celebrating the end of the year, new beginnings, many traditions We have added a bit of winter holiday cheer to the...

On Electricity
I thought this month I would share a bit about electroacupuncture and revisit the basic question of how acupuncture works. I enjoy this...

It's all about growth!
I discovered my newsletters/blog posts weren't getting posted here, so we're going to catch up a bit! Here's a post from November 2021...

AB Acupuncture Has A New Home!
Belated Greetings! I know I haven’t written in a bit, perhaps we can blame the pandemic, or I can celebrate the great fortune I’ve had...

Reopening at a new location!
Hello all. I hope this finds you safe, well and able to enjoy the warm weather. I know it’s been a little while since I’ve reached out....
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