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What I was up to in April and a special field trip!


Once again, we’ve sort of skipped spring and jumped right into summer, which always makes me a bit sad, especially when it’s not quite vacation/beach time yet. As the weather heats up and we sweat more, especially in the subway stations, remember to hydrate as well as to add cooling foods to your diet – mint, cucumber, watermelon to name a few. And for those of you who keep hearing me nitpick about eating cooked vegetables over salads, now is an ok time to eat salad! (some ginger dressing to ‘warm’ it up wouldn’t hurt though) Some news and announcements:

Always learning more...

In April I had the great privilege to learn from Dr. Anthony Lombardi, a renowned sports medicine acupuncturist and chiropractor out of Hamilton, Ontario who is well known for treating many professional athletes. I learned a fantastic and simple series of diagnostic tests to really hone in on areas of dysfunction in the upper and lower extremities so that we can restore function to the basic structures of movement, which helps injuries heal faster and more efficiently. Some of you have already experienced and benefitted from this. If you’ve not been in yet, feel free to contact me for a free 20 minute scan and evaluation to see which muscles may not be firing properly and locate the source of any dysfunction.

This medicine, this culture

Also in April was the opening of a wonderful exhibit at the Museum of Chinese in America called “Chinese Medicine in America: Converging Ideas, People and Practices” I’m not only excited about the subject matter for obvious reasons, but mostly because it was conceived of and curated by my friend and colleague Donna Mah. Donna gave me a walkthrough of the exhibit last week and it is really fascinating. There is a concurrent exhibit about one of the first Chinese medicine practitioners in this country, “Doc” Hay who practiced with renown in John Day, Oregon toward the end of the Gold Rush. Together, these exhibits tell an interesting and compelling story not only about the history of this medicine, but about how eastern and western concepts of the body diverge and how they are coming together and defining a new way of providing health care in our society today. On exhibit are representations of the body, tools of the medicine, works of art, media pieces about the medicine throughout the last decades and how we have Ronald Reagan to thank for making this medicine available to us here today! The museum is on Centre Street in Chinatown, not far from the Canal St. Station. The exhibit runs through September 9, 2018.

Field Trip!

Donna and I are going to try and schedule a private tour for our patients, which I am really excited about. She is so knowledgeable and interesting, that I asked if she would do a walk through for my patients. Please let me know if you would be interested and we’ll form a group!

Enjoy the warm weather and as always, you can follow me on social media at the following: on Instagram I am ab_acupuncture_nyc My Facebook page is AB Acupuncture – Annalisa Brown, L.Ac as well as Twitter (@ABacuNYC) or LinkedIn under my name. Please like/follow my pages if you are on social media so I can spread the word locally.

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